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Extra Chapters

There are two classes of extra chapters:
  1. Bonus Chapters
  2. Martial Release


Bonus chapters are the extra chapters I release in a week. One or more chapters will be released, but they aren't usually released on the same day.

Bonus chapters are released:
  1. On some festivals for free.
  2. On reaching certain milestones (posted on various websites)
  3. Donations through PayPal or Ko-Fi.
  4. Homage to certain readers (names will likely be mentioned publicly.)


Martial Release is different from Bonus Chapters because there will be 2 or more chapters in a martial release. All these chapters are released at once.

Martial Release happens:
  1. On reaching certain milestones (on websites like Patreon or Ko-Fi.)
  2. Donations through PayPal or Ko-fi.