Inside the commander’s room on the twelfth deck, four of Hardy brothers were kneeling on the floor and looked to be in dire straits. The four of them were wearing lockets made of a single tooth. Fimbry wasn’t with the others, for he was not only suffering from severe fever but was also injured too much to tag along with his brothers. “There’s a rule that none shall be murdered on this ship,” Sean, who was seated in his chair, coldly looked down at them. “You guys didn’t keep that rule in mind, but if it wasn’t for that same rule, you five brothers would have probably lost your lives by now, given the ruckus you’ve caused in the hall. Simple guilty squats don't cover your misconduct.” He chewed his cigar that was almost over. “Dozens got burned by the flames, but fortunately, only a few suffered serious injuries; however, if any of those people die, then you guys are doomed.”