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Expressing Emotions: Anger

Describing anger isn't easy because it can easily be overdone just as well as it can be underdone. I have given examples below, which describe anger, but it's in your capabilities to decide to use the example that best fits your scene.
  1. Blood pressure spikes/elevates/goes up/heightens
  2. Heart rate accelerates 
  3. Breath becomes shallow, breathing becomes faster (breathing patterns change) 
  4. Starts to sweat 
  5. His rage brought up murder in his eyes 
  6. Face was pepperily hot with anger/rage 
  7. Lungs may explode from puffing 
  8. His anger was red but righteous 
  9. Head tilted down, and fingers pinching the bridge of the nose (trying to control the anger) 
  10. The anger embittered his heart 
  11. All the violence he made was sanctioned by his rage 
  12. Almost spat his own liver out from all the puffing 
  13. Head got hot/ feels like it may explode 
  14. Adrenaline levels spiked/abnormal levels 
  15. Anger slowly built through her body 
  16. Her chest size increased by inches in the last few breaths 
  17. His chest size rivaled that of gorillas from all the puffing 
  18. Brows knitted/furrowed/wrinkled/lowered/drew together 
  19. Blood boiling 
  20. He ran like a bull charging at a red cape (For your info: bulls are colorblind, but they respond to movements made by the matador.) 
  21. Almost burst a blood vessel 
  22. He hurled a vase/plate/cup across the room 
  23. Stressing words, especially at the end of the sentences 
  24. Even counting to 10 didn’t quell his anger 
  25. A flood of anger raged within him 
  26. He was too hot, literally 
  27. Fury surged up inside him 
  28. His anger geared up against the perpetration put on him/his people 
  29. Blood flowed rapidly over the left eye (this is where the frontal lobe is present which controls the reasoning part of the brain. It builds up the emotions.) 
  30. Tight stare/hard looks 

This is just a preview of 30 examples.
The main document expounds the emotion extensively.
The full list of over 536 examples is available on  Patreon.

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